Trends in VR

Dat virtual reality alomtegenwoordig is, dat kan niemand meer betwisten. Sterker nog, de markt evolueert zo snel dat het moeilijk is om het overzicht te houden. Daarom maakten we voor jou deze blogpost met de meest opvallende XR-trends van de voorbije maanden. Laat ons maar beginnen met wel héél recent nieuws. Gisterenavond maakte Oculus bekend …

Virtual reality om soft skills te trainen

Can Virtual Reality Improve Your Communication and Connection Skills? Let’s face it, being able to humanely connect with people and develop good relationships is a key skill that many people need help mastering. Learning to improve your communication skills and being willing to grow and how you connect and talk with others can help you …

Virtual reality om chirurgen te trainen

Surgical Theater Introduces Precision VR: Explore at The Radiology Society of North America Surgical Theater will be demonstrating its innovative 360˚ Virtual Reality platform at the Radiology Society of North America’s Annual (RSNA) Conference in Chicago, IL, from November 25-30. Source: Surgical Theater Introduces Precision VR

LG dient een patent in voor een VR Headset met Haptic Feedback en 6 Camera’s

Aside from the LG 360 VR headset for the company’s range of smartphones, LG hasn’t really tried to enter the virtual reality (VR) market in the same way as rival Samsung. LG has been working on a headset dubbed ‘ LG UltraGear VR ‘ but little has been heard regarding that device for several months. …

Tesla dient een patent in om AR te gebruiken bij probleemoplossing in productielijn

The electric car manufacturer looks to increase assembly line productivity using a Google Glass-type experience. 2018 has been an interesting year for filed patents based on AR and VR ideas. Google’s recent omnidirectional VR shoe and Walmart’s patents for both a virtual showroom and a VR headset are just a few of the many examples. …

Onderzoek bewijst: VR leidt tot meer engagement dan andere lesmethodes

Here at VRFocus , we’ve long been advocates of using virtual reality (VR) for learning and other educational needs – why not take a look at our top 10 educational apps . So it wasn’t too surprising when the University of Warwick released the findings of a recent study that found VR to be more …